Thursday, September 22, 2011

Warren Buffett

      I think the person I admire most in the world is Warren Buffet. He is one of the most successful investors in this world. In my heart he is a legend, who is still continuing his story. Warren Buffett was born on August 30, 1930 in Omaha of Nebraska which is located in Midwestern of the US, and got the Bachelor degree in Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania, and enrolled in Columbia Business School. He's famous for his persistence to value investing philosophy and excellent investing tracks. He's the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway which hold a portfolio including many very famous companies like Goldman Sachs, Coca Cola, Wal-Mart etc. The Forbes rates him as one of the three richest person with assets valued more than 40 billion.
      Buffett had showed incredible business intelligence since his early age.With a keen heart to make and save money, Buffett took every chance that will bring income for him when he was a child. He sold newspaper, coca-cola, golf ball door to door to his neighbors. And he also work for his grandfather. When he was in middle school, he place a game machine in a barbershop with one friend as a partner. It turned out to be really successful, after a few month, they have owned several machines installed in nearby communities. Nevertheless, he sold all machines to friends before he got to  college leaving with a amount of money that any college student would envoy.After he received master degree in Columbia he decided to work for his teacher Benjamin Graham's investing company, where he got the perfect stage for his talent and gained enough capital for later starting hsi own investment business.
       As we all know, investment is accompanied with risk which very few people will appreciate especially in stock market. People always wonder why Buffett can always keep making money whatever the condition is. I like Buffett partly because of his calmness when facing risks and making decisions for investment. When the market is dropping, he will start to consider whether the market have already been undervalued instead of falling into panic or following other investors,. He always buys and sells stocks after considering all aspects that he thinks is important.  Holding a skeptical mind about the market is his underlying impression behind the kind smile. When the market shooting up, the same question he will think, whether the market is still overvalued or overvalued. I think that's probably why he can keep winning with rare mistakes.
       Moreover, people respect Buffett not only because of how successful he has made in investing, but his generosity and willingness to help people. Buffett promised to donate 99% of personal wealth mostly to his good friend Bill Gates' charity fund after many years dedication in charity. He even appeals to tax the rich and capital increment for to be fair to the poor. He won't allow his family member to spend money lavishly.
       Surely, Buffett is not a got  making every investment profitable. He did make mistakes, but that doesn't make him less successful. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


hello everybody, I'm very glad to have a chance to take the class with you.My name is Bob, I'm from Wenzhou China which is about 500 km to Shanghai from the south. I start to study in Shandong University majoring Software Engineering 3 years ago. And now I'm gonna be in Seoultech as a exchange student for half a year. I plan to have a further study in HongKong with an aim to make difference as a good engineer. I enjoy playing table tennis and basketball, and anything related to IT technology will stir my interests. Enonomics is also my topic. I hope to spend a great time with you, please feel free to post any comment on it. Everything will be welcome! :)