Monday, November 28, 2011

KFC and McDonald's

    KFC and McDonald's are two biggest fast food chains in the world. Their menu lists are somewhat similar, both of them cater to costumers with burger, french fries, milk shake, chicken, and cola. Especially the french fries, they taste almost the same! In addiction, they all have their own cartoon character to help to promote their image and attract kid customers. When their business developing aggressively, they all incur criticism about the obesity problem that their unhealthy food brings to people.
    However, there are also some differences between these two competitors. KFC is famous for its chicken, I have to admit KFC's chicken is way better than McDonald's. And McDonald's only cooperates with Coca-Cola, that's why in all McDonald's chains, you can only see Coca-Cola, while in most countries except for several certain countries including S.Korea KFC only serves Pepsi cola in their chains. Both of them are doing a great job in terms of producing revenue, the biggest difference is that U.S. is the biggest market for McDonald's but KFC is more successful in China.
    From my perspective, KFC would be the prior choice than McDonald's,because their chicken taste so good! I guess most Chinese have the same opinion with me. KFC did a great job in localization although it can not catch up with McDonald's in America.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Seoul and Wenzhou

     I'm new comer in Seoul, the capital city of South Korea. Walking on the streets, the unfamiliar Korea words always keep me reminded that this is not my place.But the reason I came here is to experience, to have a insight of Korean culture while studying in SeoulTech. Although I can't understand most of the language, but the sense of the city can be perfectly perceived through my eyes, my ears and my nose.I'm very thrilled that I could find many similarities between Seoul and my hometown city Wenzhou even though they are several thousands miles away in two different countries.
     Like my hometown Wenzhou, the downtown was developed along a river stretching quietly towards the sea. The Hangang river has been nurturing the people of South Korea for thousands years. Likewise,in my hometown there's a river named Oujiang which has been a cultural symbol for the people living in the city. Along the rivers stand a lot of tall buildings that constituted and witnessed the prosperity for both cities. Here's another common point between these two cities, the colorful night life. Last week I went to the biggest pub in Seoul. It was so fascinating that people were all diving in the joyful atmosphere with lights keeping shining and flashing. In Wenzhou there may be not as many pubs as in Seoul, but the feelings it brings stimulated by alcohol are quite the same. People get relaxed while totally losing themselves into the music.
     As for the differences, the most obvious one is the public transportation. Seoul is more like Shanghai, there's a well developed subway system, it's a big city with a population more than 10 million. In contrast in Wenzhou there are some tricycle running on the streets, which is a part of the uniqueness of Wenzhou. What's more, both cities are very friendly to businesses, but the difference is that the big multinationals is playing the major role in Seoul while in Wenzhou many more small and medium enterprises. People of Wenzhou are famous for business smell and therefore are considered as the Jewry of east.
     Seoul and Wenzhou, which look similar in appearance but the spirits are quite different deeply down in the culture. The similarities only spring up my recollection of my hometown, there's no place can replace Wenzhou in my heart. I miss the food, familiar streets, and the sound of the dialect echoing in my mind.



Monday, November 7, 2011

The law enforcement cameras are an invasion of privacy?

The government now has installed more and more cameras to monitor people's daily life in case of terrorist attack. Nevertheless that action, as an invasion of privacy, put the public in concerns about their personal security. In fact, more cameras do not bring more sense of security but the opposite.

First of all, people feel like there are always eyes watching me on the back, no matter when they are working, shopping or hanging out with friends! Can you imagine how would that your bedroom is the only place without cameras watching on you have felt like? People will freak out. Secondly there on way for the government to guarantee cyber information of the imagine would be stolen by criminal. If the criminal acquire our personal information like routine route back home or the most likely restaurant where to have a dinner by hacking the law enforcement system, we will be extremely dangerous. Anything that could be used by the police apartment could also be used by the bad guy including the terrorists as well. Furthermore the right of privacy is provided by the constitution for every legal citizen, which is no less important that any other rights the constitutions give us. The government has no right the take it at will. The taxpayers' money should be used to provide a another better way to deter the terrorism without undermining people's right of privacy and the sense of security.

As the reasons I mentioned above, government should stop invading people's privacy with the cameras. And it is my belief that we will and must find a way to overcome the threat of terrorism. God bless XX!!!!!~~

Monday, October 31, 2011

Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?

      After the 911 happened, the terrorist threat has been headache for most of the western countries. Therefore, the governments order more and more cameras to be installed around in aims to monitor the well-being of some important spots in case of terrorist activities, which however raises the concerns over the abuse of power as invasion of privacy by law enforcement.But if this action fully expose to legitimate process, the benefits with respect to the safety of the public will definitely overweight the concerns of the invasion of privacy.
      To protect people from the threat of terrorists is the government's obligation. Increasing the number of cameras around some important facilities such as power plants, airports, expressways and train stations is very necessary because these are not only the most common terrorist targets, but also the way for crime to get away. Without the help of cameras and satellites, it undermines the ability of police department to carry out effective plans to prevent terrorists and bring the murders into justice. Moreover, it is widely believed that the terrorists could have the identification as a legal citizen. For the sake of the security of the society as a whole the police has to be provided with the right to monitor any suspect, no matter he or her is a legal citizen or not. Surely people would have be angry about the fact that they can be monitored at any time or any place. Actually to limit the power of law enforcement, we can enact a legislation to make sure that any action suspected to violate people's privacy has to be in line the law.Sometimes,individual benefits have to give way to the that of the public.
      The surveillance equipment is totally out of the need for government to counter terrorist activities which I believe could bring much more damage that the underlying invasion of people's privacy. Let's make effort together to protect our country, for our own sake and the offspring's.

Monday, October 17, 2011

                             My Medical Accident
    There was a embarrassing thing happened to me once. My parents were too busy to be around when I was a child. They were afraid that I will have any accident, when they were absent. Therefore, they put me in a boarding school where every class had a child care teacher.
    There was a night when the teacher was about to give out some strange pills to all of the students after the dinner in the classroom. She said at the front of blackboard: every body has to take one piece of this medicine. It helps to kill the worms in your stomach. The students in the seats fell into a curiosity. Personally I was delighted because I caught the words "kill the worm" in my mind. After everybody got a piece, I quickly finished it in a hurry. However I noticed that some girl seemed unwilling to take the pills, so I asked them. They said they are so afraid of taking this medicines, because they don't trust that care teacher. "Could you please take pills for us?" . You know what, I was totally beyond willingness, because that means I can kill more worms! Then I took the pills as delightedly as the girls turned and walked away.
    After we went back to dormitory, the teacher came to me with a fearful expression and said in anger: "did you take the girls' pills?!" "No, no I....I did not...." My little body seemed like can not withstand the teacher overwhelming anger. I answered trying to cover what I did with no idea about how she can got the information. "If you take more pills, you will die!!!!" "OMG! Okay okay I did, what about now? What do need to do now??" Teacher said unhappily:"Go to the clinic room with me, throw it up!" I started to ran right away with the teacher yelling behind "easy, easy..." When entered the clinic room I only know the washbasin was the target. Even before getting close to the corner, I start to put my fingers into the mouth trying to reach deeper. At that time I know exactly the wired sighting from stranger is beyond my concern. Finally I was sure that the pills have been cleaned off until I got a vision of the food I had in dinner before.
    In a few minutes, the teacher came in. She checked me out with the doctor. Then I went back with the nervousness dying down. But do you know what makes me more embarrassing? I don't even know whether taking two pieces of that small pill will truly kill me! Anyway, from then on I never take more pills than the doctor prescribe but only less.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Beach Nearby My School

    Our university is located  next to a beach which is a famous site in Shandong province. Every year there are so many people coming after the fame. The bathing beach starts with a soft polishing grass ground covering fresh-smelled soil.Siting on the grass with the breeze which comes from the remote sea bringing salty air would be the best relax for the residents living nearby.Between the grass and the sea lies a about 3000 meters long sandy beach which is decorated by all kinds of people,arranging from the old to babies, and lovers to family who are all falling in the joy that this scene brings. There comes a sense of happiness overwhelming! If we take a look to the remote, the sea looks like a huge blue moving crystal, so pure and clean that I can't help closing the eyes and taking a deep breath. With the salty fresh air coming all the way down to my stomach, I can clearly feel the whole sea in my body,with the pulse running as rhythm of the the waves. Yes! That's it!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Warren Buffett

      I think the person I admire most in the world is Warren Buffet. He is one of the most successful investors in this world. In my heart he is a legend, who is still continuing his story. Warren Buffett was born on August 30, 1930 in Omaha of Nebraska which is located in Midwestern of the US, and got the Bachelor degree in Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania, and enrolled in Columbia Business School. He's famous for his persistence to value investing philosophy and excellent investing tracks. He's the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway which hold a portfolio including many very famous companies like Goldman Sachs, Coca Cola, Wal-Mart etc. The Forbes rates him as one of the three richest person with assets valued more than 40 billion.
      Buffett had showed incredible business intelligence since his early age.With a keen heart to make and save money, Buffett took every chance that will bring income for him when he was a child. He sold newspaper, coca-cola, golf ball door to door to his neighbors. And he also work for his grandfather. When he was in middle school, he place a game machine in a barbershop with one friend as a partner. It turned out to be really successful, after a few month, they have owned several machines installed in nearby communities. Nevertheless, he sold all machines to friends before he got to  college leaving with a amount of money that any college student would envoy.After he received master degree in Columbia he decided to work for his teacher Benjamin Graham's investing company, where he got the perfect stage for his talent and gained enough capital for later starting hsi own investment business.
       As we all know, investment is accompanied with risk which very few people will appreciate especially in stock market. People always wonder why Buffett can always keep making money whatever the condition is. I like Buffett partly because of his calmness when facing risks and making decisions for investment. When the market is dropping, he will start to consider whether the market have already been undervalued instead of falling into panic or following other investors,. He always buys and sells stocks after considering all aspects that he thinks is important.  Holding a skeptical mind about the market is his underlying impression behind the kind smile. When the market shooting up, the same question he will think, whether the market is still overvalued or overvalued. I think that's probably why he can keep winning with rare mistakes.
       Moreover, people respect Buffett not only because of how successful he has made in investing, but his generosity and willingness to help people. Buffett promised to donate 99% of personal wealth mostly to his good friend Bill Gates' charity fund after many years dedication in charity. He even appeals to tax the rich and capital increment for to be fair to the poor. He won't allow his family member to spend money lavishly.
       Surely, Buffett is not a got  making every investment profitable. He did make mistakes, but that doesn't make him less successful. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


hello everybody, I'm very glad to have a chance to take the class with you.My name is Bob, I'm from Wenzhou China which is about 500 km to Shanghai from the south. I start to study in Shandong University majoring Software Engineering 3 years ago. And now I'm gonna be in Seoultech as a exchange student for half a year. I plan to have a further study in HongKong with an aim to make difference as a good engineer. I enjoy playing table tennis and basketball, and anything related to IT technology will stir my interests. Enonomics is also my topic. I hope to spend a great time with you, please feel free to post any comment on it. Everything will be welcome! :)